Privacy Policy

Update time: [2023] [07] month [15] day

Effective time: [2023] [07] month [01] day

I ("I" or "we") take your privacy and personal information very seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy at all times. In order for you to better use the services of this calculator, we have specially formulated this privacy policy. We want to explain to you what information we collect when you use the services of this calculator and how to collect, use and protect such information.

This policy applies to this calculator developed and operated by me, including clients (including but not limited to Android, iOS and newer versions) (hereinafter referred to as "this application").

Before using this application service, please be sure to read our privacy policy carefully. Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, please stop using this application service immediately. Once you tick or click the "Agree to Privacy Policy" button, you are deemed to have fully understood and accepted this Privacy Policy. We strive to express in easy-to-understand words, and use bold fonts to draw your attention to the terms and personal information in this privacy policy that have a significant relationship with your rights and interests.

Part I Definition

User: hereinafter referred to as "you" or "user", refers to an individual or organization that registers, logs in, uses, browses, and obtains the services under this policy.

Personal information: refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, including the name of the natural person, date of birth, ID number, personal biometric information, address , phone number, etc.

Part II Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy section will help you understand the following:

1. How to collect and use your personal information

2. How to transfer, publicly disclose and share information

3. Use of third-party sdk

4. How to manage your information

5. How to protect your information

6. Terms for minors

7. How to update this Privacy Policy

8. Scope of application

Nine, how to open and close permissions

10. Access to Privacy Policy

11. GDPR Privacy

12. Payments

13. App Store Automatic Subscription Service Description

14. Google Play Automatic Subscription Service Description

15. Contact us

1. How to collect and use your personal information

1. To provide you with the core business functions of products or services

In order to achieve core business functions, we may need to collect personal information from you when you use the products and/or services we provide. The following will list the core business functions in detail and the personal information collected to achieve the functions. If you refuse to collect, you will not be able to use the service.

Our core business function is information service: when you browse information, you do not need to register for this software account to use the function of browsing information. In the process of browsing information, we may collect the device information (including device model, device unique identifier, operating system version, resolution, telecom operator, device settings) you use this software in order to provide you with the best solution for information display . In addition, in the process of using the function of browsing information, in order to ensure network security and improve our services, we will automatically collect the details of your use of this software and save them as relevant logs, including but not limited to the search you input Keyword information and links clicked, the content you browse, the language you use, the date and time of your visit, and the web page records you requested, operating system, software version number, and login IP information.

2. Device permissions

1. Device identification code information: We may collect device information about your use of related products (including but not limited to device model, device MAC address, Device unique identifier (IMEI, Android ID, IDFA, OpenUDID, GUID, IMSI, ICCID, OAID, UDID, VAID, AAID, device serial number), OS version, resolution, telecom operator, device settings, installation list or In-process application information) in order to ensure network security and provide you with the best solutions for relevant product services and information display.

2. Clipboard information: During your use of this application, the application integrates third-party Youlianghui and Pangolin SDK, and will collect clipboard information. Based on the collected information, we will provide you with advertising requests and view rendering Related Services.

3. Acceleration sensor: During your use of this application, the application integrates third-party Youlianghui and Pangolin SDK, which will collect device acceleration sensor information. Based on the collected information, we will provide you with advertising requests and view rendering related services , such as the shake function service.

During the service provision of this software, you may be required to enable us to access the device, and we will explain the purpose to you and obtain your consent when we need to enable the permission. When you enable these permissions, you authorize us to collect and use this information to achieve corresponding functions. For example:

We will ask when installing for the first time or require authorization to use the permission to read the device identification code in specific scenarios in order to statistically analyze the software usage and improve the software experience. You can reject the application for the device identification code permission.

In the process of specific provision, we may also need to invoke more of your device permissions, such as displaying pop-up prompts when there is new content and displaying suspension permissions required for watching full-screen videos. We will ask in the form of pop-up windows in specific scenarios And get your consent. You can choose to turn on or turn off the corresponding permission in the system setting function of the device, so as to allow or refuse us to collect and use your personal information. See Part Four "How to Manage Your Information" for details.

3. Exceptions to consent

In the following situations, we may obtain relevant information without asking for your prior consent:

a) Directly related to national security and national defense security;

b) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

c) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

d) It is difficult to obtain your consent in a timely manner for the purpose of safeguarding your or others' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests;

e) The collected personal information is disclosed to the public by you;

f) Your personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

g) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and handling product or service failures;

h) De-identifying the personal information contained in the results when it is necessary for academic research and when the results of academic research or description are provided to the outside world;

i) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

4. Others

When we want to use information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will ask for your consent in advance.

When we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance.

2. How to transfer, publicly disclose and share information

1. Transfer

This app will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following cases:

(1) After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

(2) In the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation of the application service provider, or other circumstances involving mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company holding your personal information, The organization continues to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require the company, organization or individual to seek your authorization and consent again.

2. Public disclosure

This application will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) With your explicit consent or based on your active choice, we may publicly disclose your personal information;

(2) If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreements and rules of this application, or to protect the personal and property safety of users of this application or the public from infringement, we may, in accordance with laws and regulations or with your consent, disclose personal information about you.

3. Sharing

(1) Principle of authorization and consent: Without your consent, we will not share your personal information, unless the shared personal information is de-identified or anonymized information, and the shared third party cannot re-identify such information subject of natural persons. If the purpose of the third party's use of information exceeds the scope of the original authorization and consent, they need to obtain your consent again.

(2) Principles of legality and minimum necessity: The shared data must have a legal and legitimate purpose, and the shared data must be limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose.

(3) Principle of security prudence: We will prudently assess the purpose of third parties using shared information, conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security capabilities of these partners, and require them to follow the cooperation legal agreement. We will conduct strict security monitoring on the software tool development kit (SDK) and application program interface (API) for the partners to obtain information to protect data security.

3. Use of third-party sdk technology

The SDK technology is provided by a third-party organization we cooperate with, and we can only know the permission it requires to obtain authorization. Third-party organizations will need to collect your information, and we cannot obtain your information unless the third-party organization explicitly discloses to us the sensitive information to be collected. The permissions requested by third-party agencies and the collected sensitive information that is explicitly disclosed to us are as follows:

1、Google Mobile Ads SDK

To improve the performance of Ad Manager, the Google Mobile Ads SDK may collect certain information from applications, including:

1. The IP address can be used to estimate the approximate location of the device.

2. Non-user-related crash logs, which can be used to diagnose problems and improve the SDK. Diagnostic information may also be used for advertising and analytics.

3. User-associated performance data, such as application startup time, suspension rate or power consumption, can be used to evaluate user behavior, understand the effect of existing product functions, and plan new functions. Performance Data may also be used to display advertisements, including sharing with other entities displaying advertisements.

4. Device IDs, such as device advertising identifiers, or other device identifiers restricted by apps or developers, can be used for third-party advertising and analysis.

5. Advertising data (such as advertisements seen by users) can be used to support analysis and advertising functions.

6. Other user-product interactions (such as app launch clicks) and interactive information (such as video viewing) can be used to improve advertising effectiveness.

See the privacy policy address for details:

2、Google Analytics SDK

Google Analytics automatically collects certain data and offers optional features that determine which additional types of data are collected and how they are used.

An app instance id is automatically assigned to each instance of an app, for purposes of computing user metrics throughout Analytics. By default, this identifier is not associated with a user identifier, like screen name or account ID, or with a device’s advertising identifier. Collection of this identifier can be disabled with the Consent Mode API Learn more.

Google Analytics does not use Apple’s Location Services feature. Analytics derives general location data from users’ masked IP addresses.

In-app purchase and subscription events are measured via StoreKit. Event parameters include product ID, name, and price. By default, these events are only associated with the app instance id.

App lifecycle events, such as screen views and sessions, are automatically measured and used for Analytics features like Reporting and Exploration. By default, these events are only associated with the app instance id.

For details on how the product processes your end user’s personal data, review the Google Analytics for Firebase Terms and Use Policy , as well as the Privacy and Security in Firebase and Data Collection pages.

Usage-dependent features

Review optional features that may impact your data collection and usage:

See the privacy policy address for details: about/analytics/terms/us/ analytics/answer/10285841?sjid=7154366027729897011-AP

4. How to manage your information

We will do our best to adopt appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our products and/or services.

1. Correct or supplement your personal information

When you find that the personal information we process about you is wrong, you can ask us to make corrections or additions. For contact information, please refer to How to Contact Us in Part XI of this Policy.

2. Delete your personal information

You can request us to delete your personal information under the following circumstances:

(a) Our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations or our agreement with you;

(b) We fail to obtain your explicit consent for the collection and use of your personal information;

(c) We terminate the provision to you or you voluntarily terminate the use of our products or services.

If you cannot access, update or delete such personal information through the above paths, you can contact us at any time through the attached contact information, and we will respond to your request within fifteen days.

After you delete your personal information, we may not delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately, but we will delete the information when the backup is updated. However, except for the anonymized information that has been used for user portraits or that cannot be deleted according to laws and regulations.

When we anonymize or delete your personal information, if your personal information has been shared, we will also notify the relevant company, organization or individual to anonymize or delete your personal information.

3. Change the scope of your authorization and consent

You can change the access rights of the camera, location, etc. in the mobile device, or change the browser function settings, and change the setting options.

4. The subject of personal information obtains a copy of personal information

You have the right to contact us through the contact information listed in this policy to obtain a copy of your basic personal data, personally identifiable information and other personal information collected by us.

5. To respond to your above request

In order to ensure safety, when you make the above needs, we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. Normally, we will respond to your request within fifteen days. For your reasonable request, we do not charge fees in principle, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost depending on the circumstances.

5. How to protect your information

1. We have adopted various security technologies and protective measures that meet industry standards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or leakage. For example, when you exchange data with this software server, we use HTTPS, SSL, AES and other technologies to ensure data security and confidentiality; we will strictly follow domestic and foreign security standards to build a security system, and combine cutting-edge and mainstream security technologies to prevent users' personal information from being accessed without authorization. Use, leak. A complete security defense system has been established. When we are attacked by external networks or infected by viruses, we can actively intercept the attacks in a timely manner. For the SDK (Software Development Kit) integrated in this application, we have formulated strict access specifications and review mechanisms to ensure that the access and acquisition of your personal information by these SDKs (Software Development Kit) is limited to the realization of its functions or range of services.

2. We have established a sound data security management system, including hierarchical classification of user information, encrypted storage, and division of data access rights; we have formulated internal data management systems and operating procedures, and have strict procedures for data acquisition, use, and destruction requirements to prevent your private data from being illegally used; we will hold regular security and privacy protection trainings to raise employees' awareness of personal information protection. However, you should understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information, and there may be factors beyond our control In the event of information leakage , if a personal information security incident occurs unfortunately, we will promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or the Emergency response and other relevant disposal measures, remedial measures for you, etc. If it is difficult to notify the personal information subjects one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement and actively report the handling of personal information security incidents to the relevant regulatory authorities.

3. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, please contact us immediately through the contact information stipulated in this statement, so that we can take corresponding measures in a timely manner.

6. Terms for minors

1. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using the relevant services of this application.

2. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, and will only collect, use, store, share, transfer, or use them when the law permits, with the explicit consent of parents or other guardians, or when it is necessary to protect minors. Disclosure of personal information of minors; If we discover that personal information of minors has been collected without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

3. If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information published in this privacy policy of the company.

7. How to update this Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is subject to change. Without your explicit consent, I will not limit your rights under this policy. We will post any changes to this Policy in this Policy, on our website, and where we deem appropriate. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to the revised Privacy Policy, you have the right and should immediately stop using my services. If you continue to use my services, you will be deemed to accept the modifications I have made to the relevant terms of this policy.

8. Scope of application

All services provided by this app are subject to this Privacy Policy. Specific privacy policies for certain services will more specifically explain how we use your information in those services. The privacy policy for that particular service forms part of this Privacy Policy. If there is any inconsistency between the privacy policy of the relevant specific service and this Privacy Policy, the privacy policy of the specific service shall apply.

Nine, how to open and close permissions

It can be found in the settings of the mobile phone system - application management - APP - permission management - close permission.

X. Access to Privacy Policy

You can view the entire content of this privacy policy in the app "Settings" - "Privacy Policy".

11. GDPR Privacy

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data under the GDPR

We may process personal data under the following conditions:

Consent: You have given us your consent to process your personal data for one or more specific purposes.
Performance of a Contract: The provision of personal data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with you and/or for any pre-contractual obligations.
Legal Obligation: The processing of personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Company is subject.
Vital Interest: The processing of personal data is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or another natural person.
Public Interest: The processing of personal data is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Company.
Legitimate Interest: The processing of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company.
In any case, the Company will be happy to help clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, in particular whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.

Your Rights Under GDPR
The Company is committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and ensuring that you are able to exercise your rights.
Subject to this Privacy Policy, if you are located in the EU, you have the right, by law, to:
Request access to your personal data. The right to access, update or delete the information we hold about you. Whenever possible, you can access, update or request deletion of your personal data directly in your account settings section. If you are unable to do these things yourself, please contact us to assist you. This also enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
Request correction of the personal information we hold about you. You have the right to request that any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you be corrected.
Object to processing of your personal data. You have this right where we are relying on legitimate interests as the legal basis for our processing and there is something about your particular situation that makes you want to object to us processing your personal data on this ground. You also have the right to object where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
Request deletion of your personal data. You have the right to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it.
Request the portability of your personal data. We will provide your personal data to you, or a third party of your choice, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only applies to automated information which you initially consented for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.
Withdraw your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain specific features of the Services.
Exercise your GDPR data protection rights
You can exercise your access, correction, cancellation and objection rights by contacting us. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests. If you make a request, we will try to respond to you as soon as possible.
You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal data. For more information, if you are located in the European Economic Area (EEA), please contact your local data protection authority in the EEA.

12. Payments

We may offer paid products and/or services as part of the Services. In such cases, we may use third-party services for payment processing (e.g., payment processors).
We do not store or collect your payment card details. That information is provided directly to our third-party payment processors, and their use of your personal information is governed by their privacy policies. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, a joint effort of brands such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure that payment information is handled securely.

Apple Store In-App Payments
Their privacy policy can be viewed at

Google Play In-App Payments
Their privacy policy can be viewed at

13. App Store Automatic Subscription Service Description

1. Subscription Service:
a) iCalc VIP (1 month)
b) iCalc VIP (12 months)

2. Subscription Price:
a) iCalc VIP (1 month): USD$0.99/Month
b) iCalc VIP (12 months): USD$9.99/Year

3. Payment:After the user confirms the purchase and payment, it will be credited to the iTunes account
4. Automatic Renewal:The Apple iTunes account will be deducted within 24 hours before the expiration date. After the deduction is successful, the subscription period will be extended by one subscription period
5. Shutdown Service:You can go to "Settings" on your iPhone -> "iTunes Store and App Store" -> click "Apple ID", select "View Apple ID" , enter the "Account Settings" page, click "Subscription" to manage the automatic subscription service. If you need to cancel, you can turn it off 24 hours before the end of each billing cycle. No more charges will be made within 24 hours before the expiration date
6. Service Agreement:
a) Privacy Agreement:
b) User Agreement:

14. Google Play Automatic Subscription Service Description

1. Subscription Service:
a) iCalc VIP (1 month)
b) iCalc VIP (12 months)

2. Subscription Price:
a) iCalc VIP (1 month): USD$0.99/Month
b) iCalc VIP (12 months): USD$9.99/Year

3. Payment:After the user confirms the purchase and payment, it will be credited to the Google Play account
4. Automatic Renewal:The Google Play account will be deducted within 24 hours before the expiration date. After the deduction is successful, the subscription period will be extended by one subscription period
5. Shutdown Service:You can go to Google Play Store, enter the "Account Settings" page, click "Subscription" to manage the automatic subscription service. If you need to cancel, you can turn it off 24 hours before the end of each billing cycle. No more charges will be made within 24 hours before the expiration date
6. Service Agreement:
a) Privacy Agreement:
b) User Agreement:

15. Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the privacy policy, please contact this application through the following methods: