User Agreement

Update time: [2023] [07] month [15] day

Effective time: [2023] [07] month [01] day

Before using this product, please carefully read and understand the rights and restrictions stipulated in the "User License Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement").

We have always respected and will strictly protect the legitimate rights and interests of users (including user privacy, user data, etc.) when using this product from any infringement.

This agreement (including the privacy policy at the end of this article) is between users (including natural persons, legal persons or other organizations who have obtained this product through various legal channels, hereinafter referred to as "user" or "you") and us. The final, complete and exclusive agreement on the relevant matters, and supersedes and merges the previous discussions and agreements between the parties on the above-mentioned matters.

This agreement will be legally binding on the user's use of this product, and you have promised and guaranteed that you have the right and ability to enter into this agreement. Users who start using this product will be deemed to have accepted this agreement, please carefully read and understand the various terms of this agreement, including exemption and limitation of our disclaimer clauses and restrictions on the rights of users (minors should be accompanied by legal guardians when reviewing ), if you cannot accept all the terms of this agreement, please do not start using this product.

Part I End User Agreement License

Pursuant to this agreement, this product grants you the following non-transferable, non-exclusive licenses:

  1. the right to use the product;

  2. The right to download, install and use this product on all your network communication devices, computer devices and mobile communication devices.

Part II Restrictive Terms

Your authorization under this Agreement will be subject to the following restrictions:

  1. You are not allowed to license, sell, lease, transfer, distribute or use this product in any form;

  2. Unless such restriction is prohibited by law, you may not modify, translate, adapt, merge, utilize, disassemble, transform or reverse compile, reverse engineer, etc. any part of this product or derivative products;

  3. You may not use the Product for the purpose of creating identical or competing services;

  4. Unless expressly provided by law, you may not produce, reproduce, distribute, sell, download or display any part of this product in any form or method;

  5. You may not remove or destroy any copyright notices or other proprietary notices contained in this product.

The third part of the cost

You must bear the cost of purchasing this product, personal Internet access or communication fees, information fees and other related fees charged by third parties (including but not limited to telecommunications or mobile communication providers). If telecom value-added services are involved, we recommend that you confirm the relevant fees with the value-added service provider.

Part Four Edition

Any updated or future versions, updates or other changes to the Product will be governed by this Agreement.

Part V Compliance with the Law

You agree to abide by the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" and its implementing regulations, "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's State Secret Law, "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Telecommunications" ("Regulations on Telecommunications"), "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Computer Information System Security", "Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Regulations on the Administration of Confidentiality of International Networking of Computer Information Systems, Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services, Measures for the Administration of Security Protection of International Networking of Computer Information Networks, Regulations on the Administration of Internet Electronic Bulletin Services ("Electronic Bulletin Regulations") and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations and take full responsibility for any behavior and result of using your password and your account in any way to use this service. Violation of the "National People's Congress Security Decision" may constitute a crime and be investigated for criminal responsibility. The "Electronic Bulletin Regulations" clearly stipulates that Internet users who use the electronic bulletin service system are responsible for the information released. The Telecommunications Regulations also emphasize that telecommunications users are responsible for the content and consequences of using telecommunications networks to transmit information. In any case, if this website has reason to believe that any of your actions, including but not limited to any of your remarks and other actions violate or may violate any of the above laws and regulations, this website may at any time without any prior notice Termination of Services to You.

Section 5 User Content

  1. User content refers to all content generated when the user downloads, publishes or otherwise uses this product (for example: your information, pictures, music or other content).

  2. You are the sole responsible person for your User Content and you bear the risk of identifying yourself or any third party as a result of disclosure of your User Content.

  3. You have agreed that your User Content is subject to rights restrictions (see "Rights Restrictions")

Part V Restrictions on Rights

You have agreed to use the relevant services in this product by sharing or other means. During the use, you will bear all the legal responsibilities arising from the risks caused by the following actions:

  1. Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;

  2. Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity;

  3. Damage to national honor and interests;

  4. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

  5. Undermining the state's religious policy, promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

  6. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

  7. Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;

  8. Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

You have agreed not to engage in the following behaviors on this product:

  1. Publish or share computer viruses, worms, malicious code, software that intentionally damages or alters computer systems or data;

  2. Collect information or data of other users without authorization, such as email addresses, etc.;

  3. Maliciously use the Product in an automated manner, overburden the server or otherwise interfere with or damage the website server and network links;

  4. Attempt to access server data or communication data of this product without authorization;

  5. Interfere with or destroy the use of other users of this product.



This agreement allows for changes. If there are any material changes to this agreement, we will notify you by email. After the notice of change, continuing to use this product means that you are aware of such changes and agree to be bound by the terms;

We reserve the right to modify, retain or close any service of this product at any time without notice;

You have agreed that we do not need to modify, retain or close any service rights of this product;

You have agreed that we do not need to be liable to you or a third party for the behavior of modifying, retaining or closing any service of this product.


This agreement takes effect from the date of your acceptance, and will continue to be effective during your use of this product until it is terminated in accordance with this agreement;

Notwithstanding the above, if you use this product before the time you accept this agreement, you hereby acknowledge and agree that this agreement Effective upon use of the Product, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement;

We may reserve your right to use this product or this account in accordance with the law; with or without notice, we will terminate this agreement at any time for any reason, including believing in good faith that you have violated our acceptable use policy or other provisions of this agreement;

Not limited by the preceding paragraph, if the user infringes the copyright of a third party and we receive a notice from the copyright owner or the legal representative of the copyright owner, we reserve the right to terminate this agreement;

Upon termination of this Agreement, your right to use the Product will cease. You should be aware that termination of your Product means that your User Content will be deleted from our active databases. We shall have no liability to you for termination of this Agreement, including termination of your user account and deletion of your User Content.

Part VI Third Party

Obtained based on third-party technical support when you have known or agreed to some of our services;

You are aware that this agreement is signed between you and us, not between you and the above-mentioned third party. We are solely responsible for the content, maintenance, support services, warranties, and litigation arising out of this product. You have agreed to abide by and authorize this product to limit your conditional use of this product's services.

Part VII Third Party Information and Services

  1. This product contains some information and services of third parties. We do not control and are not responsible for the information and services of third parties;

  2. We only provide such information and services for your convenience or to promise and guarantee the needs of third parties;

  3. Users shall bear legal responsibility for the risks arising from the use of third-party information and services;

  4. When users access third-party information and services, the third-party terms and policies apply.

Part VIII Compensation

You have agreed to use this product harmlessly and avoid any complaints, lawsuits, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) from third parties due to the following acts or related acts:

  1. The user's behavior of using this product;

  2. User's User Content;

  3. User's violation of this agreement.

We reserve the right of exclusive defense and the right to seek compensation

You have agreed that, unless we agree in writing, you may not unilaterally settle any action that you and us jointly bring against a third party.

We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such suit, proceeding or proceeding.

In no event shall this product be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special or punitive damages arising from this agreement. The risk of damage to computer system or mobile communication equipment data caused by accessing and using this product will be borne by you personally.

Part IX Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China;

If there is a dispute between the two parties, it should be resolved through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, a lawsuit should be filed in the local court.

Part 10 Independence

If certain clauses in this agreement cannot be applied for some reason, other clauses of this agreement will continue to apply and the unapplicable clauses will be revised so that they can be legally applicable.

Part XI Integrity

This Agreement (including the Privacy Policy) is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between you and this product on matters related to this product, and replaces and merges the previous parties on such matters (including the previous end user license, terms of service and Privacy Policy) discussions and agreements;

The titles of each section are for convenience only and without any legal or contractual obligation;

Unless we agree in writing, you may not assign the rights and obligations stipulated in this agreement. Any attempted assignment in violation of the foregoing is void.